Flower Campings is committed to sustainable and responsible tourism

At Flower Campings, we believe in sustainable and responsible tourism. As a tourism operator, we are aware of our environmental footprint, so we are committed to minimising our impact on our surroundings. 

engagements RSE Flower Campings

Green Key certification: in recognition of our campsites' commitment to the environment.

Our efforts to protect the environment are certified by Green Key, the leading standard for excellence in the fields of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. From waste management and responsible purchasing to raising awareness among holidaymakers, Green Key encompasses our whole eco-friendly approach.                         
As of 2024, 23 of our campsites now bear the Green Key label: proof of our concrete commitment to preserving the environment! 

At Camping Le Val de l'Arre, Renate and Jean-Robert have implemented several initiatives to earn their Green Key certification. These efforts include the use of eco-labelled products, waste sorting for everyone, the sale of local products in the grocery shop, and the use of water flow regulators.

At Natacha and Rudi's Camping la Sténiole, single-use plastic has been banned and biomass heating has been installed. These actions have built on numerous pre-existing ecological initiatives, enabling them to obtain Green Key certification!

Our Green Key accredited campsites

Flower campings labellisés Clef Verte
protection de la biodiversité Flower Campings

Preserving biodiversity: a major issue

Protecting biodiversity is one of the key concerns at the heart of our philosophy. We encourage our customers to discover the local flora and fauna by offering activities linked to the environment and heritage. Our campsites are also committed to protecting local species and promoting the diversity of ecosystems. Concrete actions have been put into place to support local flora and fauna, in harmony with the natural landscapes of the regions where we are based. Carefully considered mowing, no pest control products, eco-pasturing, insect hotels, respecting nesting periods... Flower Campings is constantly introducing initiatives to protect the living world.

 At Océane's site, Camping Les Ilates, you can enjoy a particularly tasty eco-friendly experience: there are beehives on site and local honey is sold directly at the campsite!

Say goodbye to chlorinated pools and discover swimming in harmony with nature. Gil's swimming pool at Camping de l’Olivigne uses a bio-mineral filtration system, offering a cool haven where you can relax in total tranquillity while respecting the environment. 

Our campsites committed to preserving biodiversity

Conserving resources: simple actions make a real difference

To limit our environmental footprint, we have implemented initiatives to reduce our water and energy consumption while ensuring optimum comfort for our campers. Water-saving devices are available, and solar panels are installed on many campsites to produce renewable electricity.

Various initiatives are also in place at campsites to promote soft mobility or shared mobility, encouraging holidaymakers to enjoy their stay while taking care of the environment.

When it comes to preserving our planet and its precious resources, every action counts.

Alexandra and Franck's Camping Le Saint-Michelet is equipped with 400 m² of solar panels! They produce the energy needed to heat the water in the sanitary blocks, and actually generate surplus power.

Pascale and David's tip for saving water at Camping Le Martinet Rouge? Installing water recovery systems! This technology ensures that plant beds can be watered well into the high season.

Our campsites with pedestrian-only zones

Our campsites with charging points for electric vehicles

campings écologiques
gestion des déchets flower campings

Waste management: reduce, sort, recycle – every little helps

Waste management is a major focus of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy. We use innovative solutions to reduce, sort and recycle the waste produced on our sites. To get to the root of the issue, we focus on reducing waste at the source by making reusable products available and combating food waste. Sorting is also a key element of our strategy. Lastly, we are developing waste recovery plans to give waste a second life.

Our aim is to further limit our waste and raise awareness of good practices among campers in terms of sorting and reducing waste.

If you go on holiday at Hélène and Jérôme's Camping le Temps de Vivre, you will find a bio-bucket in your accommodation, making it easy for you to sort your waste during your holiday!

At Line and Pierre's Camping du Lac de la Chausselière, plant waste is given a second life! Branches and dead leaves are shredded and used to cover the walkways, while the waste from cutting willows is turned into pencils by a local association.

Fair tourism: a commitment to equity

Flower Campings has formed a partnership with the "Je Pars, Tu Pars, Il Part" foundation. We therefore welcome disadvantaged families with children to our campsites and offer them a free stay every year. These moments of sharing and discovery allow these families to create precious memories.

Other initiatives have also been established, including partnerships with rehabilitation associations, local associations, and organisations promoting accessibility. We feel strongly about access to employment and holidays for everyone.

Carinne and Romuald, from Camping La Blanche Hermine, are working with an association to welcome disabled children. Families stay in mobile homes and meals are provided, which gives carers invaluable support.

Quentin's Camping Le Mas de Champel has formed a partnership with a local resource centre, helping to open up new employment opportunities for those who need them most.

Our campsites working together

engagements solidaires flower campings
tourisme local et durable flower campings

Regional roots: discovering the jewels of every region

At Flower Campings, our love of France and its regions is part of who we are. We believe that tourism should be an opportunity to discover the cultural and natural riches that surround us, right on our doorstep.

By focusing on authentic, local tourism, we are helping to promote local heritage and support the local economies in the regions where we are based. It also allows us to limit the ecological footprint of our holidays, reducing the distances travelled and encouraging soft modes of transport such as walking or cycling. You don't need to travel the world to enjoy a truly exotic experience. Our regions are full of surprises and hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered.

At Claire and Sébastien's Camping Altéa, you can sample shellfish produced by a local organic farm.

At Petrie and Tony's Camping La Samaritaine, local produce is sold at cost price in order to promote and support producers.